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oliversmall14 (on TikTok) reaches a request to update Five Nights At Buzz 2

oliversmall14... who is known to be yet a Famous TikToker, whose reached out ROLVette to update the game called 'Five Nights At Buzz 2' inside its game, and what they said, is they need to add 'Sirenhead'... Sirens are automatically on when a tornado or earthquake is affected, they stop when there is none of them, But yet, We are making it happen

New Features in FNAB2

- All new Sirenhead

- Weather Communicating

How it communicates

  1. When you hear a glitchiness, and such pitching-out siren, you must act carefully

  2. Head to the options (on the night)

  3. Click on 'Dry out'... it takes 10 seconds...

  4. When it gets even worser and worse, it's too late (aka The Sirenhead Jumpscare)

- 2nd Night (which is yet to be coming soon now)

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